Monday, June 27, 2011

Trends and Challenges of Medical Technology Profession

The following are considered as the trends and challenges of the medical technology profession 
1.Manpower shortage 
a.Declining student enrolment
b.Job satisfaction
c.Prestige of the profession
d.Increasing regulation
e.Aging population
2. Laboratory Diagnosis
     b.Wide variety of assays
     c.Automation and laboratory information system
3. Laboratory Workforce
  a. Shortage
  b. Proficiency training and specialization
  c. Nature of work: consultation skills

Sunday, June 26, 2011


In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994”, and for the purpose of rationalizing Medical Technology Education in the country with the end in view of keeping at pace with the demands of global competitiveness, the following Policies, Standards and Guidelines for Medical Technology Education are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission, thus:

Article I

Section 1.        Medical Technology Education/Medical Laboratory Science Education aims to develop a foundation in the fundamentals of medical laboratory science and to make it responsive to the demands for manpower in the paramedical service utilizing the highly innovative technologies. It consists of clinical laboratory testing which plays a crucial role in the detection, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention and treatment of diseases such that medical technologists/medical laboratory scientists must have a combination of education, clinical laboratory internship and specialized training.

Article II

Section 2.        All private higher education institutions (PHEIs) intending to offer the Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Science program must first secure proper authority from the Commission in accordance with the existing rules and regulations.  State universities and colleges (SUCs), and local colleges and universities should likewise strictly adhere to the provisions in this policies and standards.

Article III

Section 3.        Graduates of this program shall be conferred the degree - Bachelor of     Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Science.

Section 4.        Program Description

Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Science is a four year program consisting of general education subjects and professional subjects.  The second semester of the fourth year level is the internship program of six (6)  months in an accredited training laboratory with rotational duties in different sections such as Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Microbiology, Immunohematology (Blood Banking), Immunology and Serology, Urinalysis and other Body Fluids (Clinical Microscopy), Parasitology, Histopathologic/Cytologic techniques and other emergent technologies.

a.       Objectives:  The Medical Technology Education aims to:

1.            develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills in the performance of clinical laboratory procedures needed to help the physician in the proper diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases;
2.            develop skills in critical and analytical thinking to advance  knowledge in Medical Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science and contribute to the challenges of the profession;
3.            develop leadership skills and to promote competence and excellence and;
4.            uphold moral and ethical values in the service of society and in the practice of the profession.

b.      Specific professions, careers, occupations or trades that the graduates of this program may go into.
·         Clinical Laboratory Practice:  Medical Technologists/Medical Laboratory Scientists in Hospital Laboratories, Clinics and Sanitarium.
·         Education: Medical Technologist/Medical Laboratory Scientists can be employed as faculty in colleges and universities offering Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science program to teach professional   subjects.
·         Diagnostic Industry/Drug Companies
·         Specialized Fields:
       Medico-Legal Laboratory
       Drug Testing Laboratory
       HIV/AIDS Testing Laboratory
       Information System
       Quality Management System
·                     Other Fields Employing the Knowledge and Skills of Medical Technologists/Medical Laboratory Scientists

Article IV

Section 5.        Graduates of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Science like any other Health Professions Education must be able to apply analytical and critical thinking in clinical laboratory. As such, graduates abovementioned must:

a.       collect samples, prepare specimen for analysis, determine the acceptability of samples within guidelines, perform the test according to standard methods/techniques;

b.      demonstrate skills in judgment and decision making to analyze quality control and recognize implausible results and take appropriate actions to maintain accuracy and precision;

c.       perform  accurately  data gathering,  processing and encoding into the computer system;

d.      observe the principles of data security or patient confidentiality, maintain ethical standards in working with other laboratory and hospital personnel;

e.       possess  good communication  and  human relation skills for effective and healthy interaction with health care professionals;

f.       take responsibility  for  their own professional development or continuing education especially computer education in the application and management of data and computerized laboratory equipment; and,

g.      acquire basic management, supervision, administrative skills to contribute to the resolution of conflicts pertaining to laboratory management, implementation of changes in response to technology and laboratory procedures, development of safety management procedures and improvement of standards of practice.
Article V

Section 6.        Curriculum – Higher Education Institutions offering Medical Technology/ Medical Laboratory Science education may exercise flexibility in their curricular offering. However, medical technology/medical laboratory science subjects as prescribed in the sample program of study shall be implemented.

Section 7.        Curriculum Outline

a.        Outline of General Education Subjects

·         Language and Humanities  -------------------------------    21 units

English  --------------------------------------------------        6
Filipino --------------------------------------------------        6
Humanities (Philosophy, Logic & Literature) -------------        9

·         Mathematics, Natural Science &
      Information Technology   --------------------------------  18 units

                                    Mathematics I ------------------------------------------        3
                                    Basic Statistics------------------------------------------       3
                                    Natural Sc. ( Nat. Sc. Chem. & Physics)----------------       9 
                                    Computer I ( Intro. to Info. Tech.)  ---------------------       3

·         Social Sciences ---------------------------------------------   6 units

Psychology ---------------------------------------------        3
Socio Anthropology ------------------------------------        3

·         Introduction to Medical Technology with
                                         Science, Technology and Society (STS)-------------       3
·         Anatomy & Physiology ---------------------------------       5
·         Health Economics with TLR-----------------------------      3
·         Community and Public Health---------------------------       5
·         Principles and Strategies of Teaching in
                  Health Education--------------------------------       3
Mandated subjects -------------------------------------       6 units

                                   Rizal's Life Works & Writings ------------------------         3
                                   Phil. History, Govt. & Constitution ------------------           3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             70 Units
                             P.E.  -------------------   8 units
                             NSTP  (2 Sems.) ----   6 units

                                                                               Total Units                          84 Units

a.       Outline and total units of Core courses ---------------- 16 Units 

                             Core Subjects
                             Biological Science --------------------------------------------     3 units
      Chemistry----------------------------------------------------      13 units
      Chem. 2  (Qualitative and Quantitative
                  Chemistry) ------------------------------    3 units
      Chem. 3  (Organic Chemistry)-------------------     5 units
      Chem. 4 (Biochemistry) ------------------------      5 units
      Professional Courses ----------------------------------------50 units

      Microbiology ------------------------------------------------- 7 units
      Bacteriology --------------------------    5 units
     Mycology/Virology --------------------   2 units

      Clinical Chemistry ------------------------------------------- 9 units
            Clinical Chem. 1 (Routine Clinical
                        Chemistry) ----------------------------   4
            Clinical Chem. 2 (Special Chemistry)----------    3
            Clinical Chem. 3 (Endocrinology, Toxicology
                         And Drug Testing)-------------------    2

                              Histology ------------------------------------------------------ 2 units
                              Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids
                                    (Clinical Microscopy)  -------------------------------------3 units
                              Pharmacology  ------------------------------------------------ 2 units
                              Cytogenetics -------------------------------------------------- 2 units
                              Med Tech Laws & Bioethics-----------------------   ----------3 units
                              Laboratory Management --------------------------------------2units                       
                              Parasitology ---------------------------------------- ---------  3 units
                              Immunology & Serology -------------------------------------- 4 units
                              Immunohematology (Blood Banking)--------------------------  3 units
                              Hematology 1  -----------------------------------------------  4 units
                              Hematology 2   ----------------------------------------------  3 units
                              Gen. Pathology,Histopathologic /
                                    Cytologic Techniques ----------------------------------  3 units

                              Research  -----------------------------------------------------  3 units
                                     Research 1 (Introduction to  Research)---------------     1     
                                     Research 2 (Research Paper Writing) ----------------     2

                              Seminar (Special Topics)----------------------------    ------  6 units

                              Total Units – General Education Courses -----------------84 units
                                                    Core Courses ----------------------------------- 16 units
                                                     Professional Courses ------------------------- 50 units
                                                     Research ---------------------------------------- 3 units
                                                     Seminar ----------------------------------------- 6 units
                                                     Internship -------------------------------------- 18 units

Grand Total ---------------------- 177 units

At the end of the BS Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science program, the total number of exposure/contact hours in the laboratory is as follows:

Clinical Chemistry                                     -           392 hrs.
Clinical Microscopy & Parasitology            -           338 hrs.
Microbiology                                             -           258 hrs.
Hematology                                              -           228 hrs.
Blood Banking                                          -           204 hrs.
Histopathologic Technique & Cytology       -           208 hrs.
Immunology & Serology                            -           104 hrs.
                   Research                                                -           54 hrs.

Article VIII

Section 12.      Program Administration

The higher education institution offering BS Medical Technology/Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Science program shall be administered by a full-time dean/head with the following qualifications:

·         A Filipino citizen of good moral character;

·         Must be a registered Medical Technologist in the Philippines with at least master 's degree in Medical Technology or other health related courses, Biological Science, Education and Administration;

·         Have at least five (5) years of very satisfactory teaching experience (Medical Technology professional subjects) and must have adequate managerial competence and technical expertise in school management.

The general functions and responsibilities of the Dean of Medical Technology:

·         administers general policies of the college/university;

·         exercises educational leadership among Medical Technology  faculty members, as stated , in the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools  Eight Edition   1992, Art. VIII, Sec. 41  on the Qualifications and Functions of the Dean.

The dean shall  have a maximum of  twelve (12) units of teaching load and shall render at least twenty (20) hours of administrative services per week, distributed proportionately in the days of the week.

Section 13.      Faculty

A faculty member teaching licensure and non-licensure Medical Laboratory Science subjects shall have academic preparation appropriate to teaching assignment:

1.      For those teaching subjects included in the licensure examination, the following qualifications are required:
·         a registered Medical Technologist with current and valid PRC license:
·         holder  of  a  Master's  degree in Medical Technology and other health  related fields;
·         with a minimum of one (1) year experience  in training of Medical Technology interns in an accredited laboratory; or in lieu thereof, one (1) year experience in a licensed  clinical laboratory

2.   For those teaching non-licensure Medical Technology subjects:
·         a faculty member who has   appropriate   Master's/Doctoral degree in related fields with at least two (2) years teaching experience shall be allowed to teach  subjects not included in the licensure examination.

3.   In case of  vacancy   in the teaching force of the college during the school year, a substitute or a replacement with similar or higher qualifications  shall be employed.

4. The conditions of employment shall be in accordance with the  institutional policy.
·         The  probationary period shall be in accordance with the Provision of the Labor Law Code.
·         Every college/university shall have a faculty manual containing information  and policies on all matters pertaining to faculty.

 5.  The faculty member shall actively pursue continuing professional development.

 6.  The faculty member shall be actively involved in research activities.

 7.  The faculty member shall obtain faculty evaluation rating of  “ highly   satisfactory .”

  8.  At least fifty percent (50%) of every college/university faculty handling professional subjects shall be in full time status.

Section 14.   Library- Every college/ university offering the Medical Laboratory Science Program shall have adequate library resources relevant to Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science adequate in quantity, which shall serve the needs of the students and shall be in accordance with the college's /university 's development and expansion plans. A well developed Medical Laboratory Science library whether established separately or as a section in a general library shall be clearly defined as Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science collection. It shall be managed by a  full-time licensed librarian.

Book Collections 

·                        The library shall be open at least eight (8) hours a day on school days.

·   The institution offering the Medical Laboratory Science program shall assure the availability of at least two (2) titles of each current edition of Medical Laboratory Science books, pamphlets, monographs and serials specifically used as basic reference reading materials for each  Medical Technology subject.

·   To update the students and faculty members with the latest developments in the profession, a subscription to a minimum of one  (1) international journal and two (2) local journals as well as Health   Science periodicals shall be maintained.

·   The institution offering the Medical Technology course has the freedom to select the basic textbooks to be used by the students in all the subjects specified in the curriculum. However, the library facility of the institution shall have at least one (1) copy of each of these textbooks for every fifteen (15) students enrolled in the class.

·   All income from the students’ library fee shall be spent strictly for the acquisition of books, journals, publications and other expenses toward the improvement of the library.

·   There shall be  appropriate materials and equipment such as :
                                Computer with internet access
        CD-ROMs, etc.

Section 15.      Facilities and Equipment

Classroom requirements
·   The institution shall provide a  fully-equipped laboratory facilities  for adequate instruction.

·   A laboratory room shall have two (2) exits and a minimum floor space of one square meter for every  1-2 students, and a locker for every 1-5 students. Rooms shall be well lighted and well ventilated.

Laboratory Requirements

·   Each laboratory room shall have:
            A continuous and adequate supply of water, gas and/or electricity
1.      Readily accessible  safety devices/first aid facilities
·         Fire extinguishers
·         Emergency shower
·         First aid kit/cabinet
·         Safety posters
·         Exhaust system and/or fume hoods
·         Acid resistant laboratory table tops

·         The institution shall provide the requirements for the following laboratories:

1.      Chemistry (General, Analytical, Organic, Biochemistry)
2.      Biological Sciences  (Botany, Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology)
3.      Physics
4.      Clinical Chemistry
5.      Immunology and Serology
6.      Blood Banking
7.      Hematology
8.      Microbiology (Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology)
9.      Clinical Microscopy
10.  Parasitology
11.  Histopathology
12.  Toxicology

·         The institution shall provide appropriate and safe waste disposal system.

List of Laboratory Facilities