Thursday, July 28, 2011

Medical Technology Week Celebration

The Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. launched this year's celebration of Medical Technology Week. The week long celebration starts on September 18, 2011 and ends on September 25, 2011 with the theme, "Unfolding Opportunities Through Technology Innovations".

One of the highlights of the Medical Technology week is the PAMET National Quiz show which will be held on September 22, 2011. The other events are as follows:

       September 18:         Opening of Medical Technology Week / Walk For A Cause
                                      Thanksgiving Mass
       September 19          Advocacy
       September 20          Research Forum
                                      CPE Seminar
       September 22          30th PAMET PASMETH Quiz Show
       September 24          Community Outreach
       September 25          Sportsfest / Closing Ceremonies

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Schedule of Medical Technology Board Examination for 2011

Pursuant to RA 8981 authorizing the Professional Regulatory Board (PRC) to fix the places and dates of examination, the Commission scheduled the Medical Technology Board Examination in September 3 and 4, 2011 in Manila, Cebu, Davao and Baguio. Deadline of application is on August 15, 2011.

Requirements for Board Exam Application:

  • Original and photocopies of Transcript of Records with Special Order and Date of Graduation with SCANNED PICTURES AND WITH REMARKS “FOR BOARD EXAMINATION PURPOSES ONLY”. (Graduates of government schools and institutions/programs accredited by recognized accredited agencies under the FAAP are exempted from SO [B]). Graduates of New Schools/Degree Programs must submit School Recognition and/or Permit to Operate.
  • Original and photocopy of NSO-issued Birth Certificate (if NSO copy is not clear, bring copy from the Local Civil Registrar).
  • Original and photocopies of NSO-issued Marriage Contract (for married female only; if NSO copy is not clear, bring copy from Local Civil Registrar).
  • Four (4) passport size colored pictures in white background with complete name tag.
  • Current Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
  • Other specific requirements as required by the Commission or the Professional Regulatory Board.

Senate Bill 2722 - Medical Technology Act of 2011


Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives in Congress assembled:

SECTION 1. Title. - This act shall be known as the "Medical Technology Act of2011."

SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. - The State recognizes the importance of the Medical Technology profession in nation building and development through the portals of, health care, education and research. Hence, it shall develop and nurture competent, virtuous, productive and well-rounded medical technologists whose standard of practice and service shall be world class.

Further, the State shall promote, regulate and protect the professional practice of Medical Technology in the Philippines and shall ensure its continued growth and development and the maintenance of high international standards of practice.

SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. - As used in this Act, the following terms shall mean:

  1. Accredited Medical Technology Training Laboratory - Refers to a clinical laboratory duly licensed by the Department of Health and accredited as a training laboratory by the Commission on Higher Education upon recommendation by the Technical Panel in Medical Technology Education or its equivalent.
  2. Accredited Professional Organization - Refers to a national organization, recognized and accredited by the Board, as approved by the Professional Regulation Commission, under which all registered medical technologists whose names appear in the roster of Medical Technologists of the Professional Regulation Commission automatically become members.
  3. Board - Refers to the Board: of Medical Technology of the Professional Regulation Commission.
  4. Continuing Medical Technology Education (CMTE) - Refers to the enhancement of knowledge, professional competence and ethical values in the practice of medical technology through mandatory formal classes or training programs administered for medical technologists.
  5. Code of Professional Ethics - Refers to a set of standards relating to the conduct, integrity and moral duties of medical technologists as prescribed and promulgated by the duly accredited professional organization of medical technologists, with the approval of the Board.
  6. Hearing Committee - Refers to a body composed of two (2) Members of the Board and one (1) legal officer. The Hearing Committee shall conduct administrative proceedings for the suspension or revocation of a certificate of registration.
  7. Medical Technology (Medical Laboratory Science) - Refers to the healthcare profession that performs laboratory investigations on the human body or on specimens taken from the human body, the results of which provide information used by physicians or other medical practitioners in relation to healthcare, research, forensics and other related areas. Medical Technology may also refer to laboratory investigations on animals in relation to veterinary medicine and agricultural purposes.
  8. Medical Technologist - Refers to a holder of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Medical Technology (Medical Labordtory Science) or Public Health who is duly registered with the Professional Regulation Commission and is qualified to practice Medical Technology.

A person shall be deemed to be in the practice of Medical Technology within the meaning of this act if such person renders any of the following services for a fee, salary, compensation or reward paid or given directly or indirectly:

1.      Examination of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human body and other bodily fluids through electronic, chemical, microscopic, microbiologic, hematologic, serologic, immunologic, nuclear, molecular, cytogenetic or other laboratory procedures and techniques, either manual or automated;
2.      Blood banking procedures and techniques or other blood transfusion services;
3.      Parasitologic, Bacteriologic, Mycologic, Virologic or other microbiologic techniques;
4.      Histopathologic or Cytotechnologic techniques;
5.      Drug Testing in clinical laboratories;
6.      Research involving human beings or animals requiring the use of or application of Medical Technology (Medical Laboratory Science) knowledge and procedures;
7.      Preparations and standardization of reagents, standards, stains or others. Provided, that such reagents, standards, stains or others are exclusively for the use of the laboratory;
8.      Clinical laboratory quality control;
9.      Phlebotomy, collection, processing or preservation of specimens;
10.  Consultancy test upgrading, method selection, laboratory equipment planning and troubleshooting where the application of knowledge in medical technology as required;
11.  Teaching of professional subjects in Medical Technology;
12.  Introduction, demonstration, evaluation, or improvement of clinical laboratory procedures or techniques; and
13.  Similar activities to the foregoing where the training, skill and experience of a medical technologist are needed as may be determined under the rules and regulations to be promulgated by the Professional Regulation Commission.

  1. Medical Laboratory Technician - Refers to a person certified and registered with the Board as qualified to assist a medical technologist in the practice of Medical Technology as defined under Republic Act No. 5527. The Board shall discontinue the registration of medical laboratory technicians under Republic Act No. 5527 upon the effectivity of this Act.

Provided, that Medical laboratory technicians registered under Republic Act No. 5527 shall maintain their status as registered medical laboratory technicians. Provided, further, that a registered medical technologist occupying the position of a medical laboratory technician  shall be rendered an appropriate position and be reclassified as a medical technologist.

  1. Phlebotomist - Refers to a holder of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Medical Technology  (Medical Laboratory Science) and who has passed an examination for Phlebotomy given by the Board of Medical Technology of the Professional Regulation Commission. Provided, that a registered medical technologist automatically qualifies as a Phlebotomist. A phlebotomist is qualified to perform ,blood specimen collection and to follow proper procedures of identification,. preservation and transport of specimens.

  1. Recognized School of Medical Technology - Refers to any school, college or university which offers a program in Medical Technology (Medical Laboratory Science) approved by the Commissipn on Higher Education upon the recommendation of the Technical Panel in Medical Technology Education or its equivalent.

  1. Technical Panel in Medical Technology Education - Refers to the Technical Panel in Medical Technology Education reconstituted or organized under the Office of Programs and Standards of the Commission on Higher Education.

SECTION 4. Board of Medical Technology. ,- There IS hereby created a Board of Medical Technology under the Professional Regulation Commission. The Board shall be composed of a Chairman and two (2) members, all of whom are registered medical technologists, The Chairman and the Members of the Board shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of the Philippines ("President") upon recommendation of the Philippine Regulation Commission and shall serve for a term of three (3) years. The Chairman and the Members of the Board shall hold such office until their successors shall have been appointed and duly qualified. Provided,  That the incumbent Chairman and Members of the Board shall continue to serve their terms until the expiration of the same.

For its recommendation, the Philippine Regulation Commission shall submit to the President a list containing at least three (3) names for the appointment of the Chairman or any Member of the Board at least thirty (30) days prior to, the expiration of the term of the Chairman or any Member of the Board. In case of death, disability or removal for cause of the Chairman or any Member of the Board, his successor shall only serve the balance of his term.

SECTION 5. Qualifications of the Chairman and the Members of the Board. - No person shall be appointed as Chairman or as a Member of the Board unless he is a Filipino Citizen, of good moral character and is a duly registered medical technologist. Provided, that the Chairman and the members of the Board must be members in good standing in their respective accredited national professional organization. Provided, further, that the Chairman and the Members of the Board must not be an officer or a director of their respective accredited national professional organization at any time during their appointment.

The Chairman must have a Masters Degree and should have at least fifteen (15) years of experience as a medical technologist, including at last ten (10) years of clinical laboratory practice. He must be actively practicing his profession as a medical technologist at least five (5) years prior to his appointment. A Member of the Board must have at least ten (10) years of experience as a medical technologist, including at least five (5) years of c1inicaJ laboratory practice. He must be actively practicing his profession as a medical technologist, at least three (3) years prior to his appointment.

The Chairperson and the Members of the Board shall not, in any way, be professionally connected with the faculty of any Medical Technology school or review center for at least three (3) years prior t6 their appointment. Further, they shall have no pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly, in any such institution at any time during their appointment.

SECTION 6. Compensation of the Members of the Board. - The Chairman and each Member of the Board shall receive compensation in such amount as the Professional Regulation Commission may determine. Provided, that such compensation shall be competitive with the compensation of other professional boards of the Professional Regulation Commission.

SECTION 7. Functions and Duties of the Board. - The following are duties and functions of the Board:

  1. Administer and implement the provisions of this Act;
  2. Determine and prepare the questions for the licensure examination for medical technologists;
  3. Regulate the practice of the profession ',in accordance with professional regulatory law;
  4. Administer oaths in connection with the administration of this Act;
  5. Issue, suspend or revoke certificates of registration of medical laboratory technicians;
  6. Look into conditions affecting the practice of medical technology in the Philippines and, whenever necessary, adopt such measures as may be deemed proper for the maintenance of good ethics and standards in the practice of medical technology;
  7. Investigate violations of this Act or of the rules and regulations issued hereunder. For this purpose, the Board may issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum;
  8. Draft such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act;
  9. Prescribe the qualifications and training of medical technologists with regard to special fields of the profession and to sup"e rvise their special examination to be conducted by the professional organization of medical technologists accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission;
  10. Formulate and recommend the approval of refresher courses for applicants who fail to pass the Board Examinations for ,the third time;
  11. Determine and prepare the questions for the certification examination of Phlebotomists; and
  12. Such other functions as may be prescribed by the Professional Regulation Commission, in accordance with existing laws governing the Commission.

SECTION 8. Removal of the Board Members. - The Chairman or any Member of the Board may be removed by the President for neglect" of duty, incompetence, malpractice or unprofessional, unethical, immoral or dishonorable, conduct after having been given an opportunity to defend himself in a proper administrative proceeding. Provided, that pending the resolution of the administrative proceeding, the President shall have the power to indefinitely suspend the Chairman or any Member of the Board under investigation and appoint a temporary member in his place.

SECTION 9. Licensure Examinations. – Except as otherwise specifically allowed under the provisions of this Act, all applicants for registration as medical technologists shall be required to undergo a written examination which shall be given by the Board semi-annually during the months of May and November in such places as the Board may deem proper. The examination for Phlebotomy Certification shall be given by the Board annually during the month of September in such places as the Board may deem proper.

SECTION 10. Qualifications for Admission to the Licensure Examination. - Every applicant for examination under this Act shall, at least thirty (30) days ,prior to the date of the examination, furnish the Board satisfactory proof that he:

  1. Is in good health and is of good moral character;
  2. Is a holder of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Medical Technology (Medical Science Technology) or Public Health from a recognized school, college or university. Provided, that a holder of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Health should have complied with the standards as stipulated in the Policies, Standards and Guidelines for Medical Technology education;
  3. Has paid the required examination fees as may be determined by the Professional Regulation Commission; and
  4. Has complied with other requirements that ,the Board of the Professional Regulation Commission may prescribe.

SECTION 11. Scope of Examination. - The examination questions shall cover the following subjects and shall be accorded the respective weights:

Clinical Chemistry                                                                                           20%
Microbiology & Parasitology                                                                            20%
Hematology                                                                                                    20%
Blood Banking, Immunohematology, Immunology & Serology                             20%
Clinical Microscopy (Urinalysis and Other Bodily Fluids)                                   10%
Histopathologic and Cytologic Techniques, Laboratory Management,                 10%
Medical Technology Law, Related Laws and their implementing
Rules and the Code of Ethics

The Board shall prepare the schedule of subjects' for examination and submit the same to the commissioner of the Professional Regulation Commission for publication. The Board shall compute the general average of each examinee according to the above-mentioned relative weights of each subject. Provided, that the Board may change, add to and remove from the list of subjects or weights above as progress in the science of Medical Technology may require.

Provided, further, that any change, addition, removal or modification of the subjects or weights shall be subject to the prior approval of the Professional Regulation Commission.

SECTION 12. Report of Rating. - The Board shall, after the date of completion of the examination, report the result thereof for the approval, of the Commissioner of the Professional Regulation Commission within the time limit and guidelines set by the Professional Regulation Commission.

SECTION 13. Ratings in the Examination. -- In order to pass the examination, a candidate must obtain a general average of at least seventy-five percent (75%) in the written test, with no rating below fifty percent (50%) in any of the' subjects. An applicant who has failed the examinations in at least three (3) attempts shall not be qualified to take further examinations until such applicant shall have completed a refresher course in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Board.

SECTION 14. Oath Taking. - All successful, examinees shall be required to take a professional oath before the Board prior to entering upon the practice of medical technology in the Philippines.

SECTION 15. Issuance of Certificate of Registration. Every applicant who has satisfactorily passed the required examination for all medical technologists shall be issued a certificate of registration. All certificates shall be signed by the Chairman and the Members of the Board and by the Commissioner of the Professional Regulation Commission. The duly registered medical technologist shall be required to display his certificate of registration and Professional Regulation Commission identification card in the place where he works.

The Board shall refuse to issue a certificate of registration to any person convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense: involving moral turpitude, or who has committed immoral, dishonorable or dishonest conduct, or is of unsound mind, or is suffering from an incurable and communicable disease. In the event of the Board's refusal to issue a certificate of registration, it shall issue a written statement to the applicant, setting forth the reason for its action. The statement issued by the Board shall be incorporated in its records.

SECTION 16. Fees. - The fees to be paid by each applicant for the issuance of a new certificate of registration, for the replacement of a lost, destroyed or mutilated certificate of registration, or for the issuance or replacement Of Professional Regulation Commission identification cards shall be in accordance with the fees established by the Professional

SECTION 17. Revocation or Suspension of Certificates of Registration. - The revocation or suspension of a certificate of registration may only be made after the completion of an administrative proceeding conducted by the hearing committee composed of at least two (2) members of the Board and one (1) legal officer. Provided, that the existing rules of evidence shall be observed during the administrative proceeding. Provided, further, that the person whose certificate of registration is sought to be revoked or suspended shall be entitled to be represented by counsel, to have a speedy, impartial and public proceeding, to confront the witnesses against him and to all other rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

The Board may, after giving proper notice and .hearing to the party concerned, reprimand an erring medical technologist, revoke or suspend his certificate of registration for violating any provision of this Act, any rules or regulations issued pursuant to this Act or for unprofessional conduct, malpractice, incompetency, gross ignorance or gross negligence in the practice of medical technology. The hearing committee may, by a majority vote, Impose the penalty of revocation, suspension or reprimand. Provided, that the suspension of the certificate of registration shall not exceed two (2) years, When the penalty of suspension or revocation is imposed by the hearing committee the medical technologist shall be required to surrender his certificate of registration within thirty (30) days after the decision becomes final. Should a medical technologist fail to surrender his certificate of registration within the said period, the Board may disqualify him perpetually from the practice of medical technology. The suspension shall run from the date of such surrender.

SECTION 18, Appeal - The revocation or suspension of a certificate of registration made by the hearing committee may be appealed primarily and exclusively to the Professional Regulation Commission. The decision of the Professional Regulation Commission may be elevated to the Court of Appeals in accordance with the Rules of Court.

SECTION 19. Reissuance or Reinstatement of a revoked or suspended Certificate of Registration, - The Board may reissue a revoked certificate of registration upon the application of the medical technologist whose certificate of registration was revoked. Provided, that the reissuance of a revoked certificate of registration may' only be made for proper and sufficient reasons, Provided, further, that no revoked certificate o,f registration may be reissued within one (1) year from the date it was surrendered by the medical technologist whose certificate of registration was revoked. The suspension of a certificate of registration shall be automatically lifted upon the expiration of the period of suspension. Said certificate of registration shall be reinstated to the medical technologist concerned upon request.

The reissuance or reinstatement of the certificate of registration shall be without prejudice to further actions by the Board for a violation of any provision of this Act, its implementing rules or regulations or any condition imposed by the Board ,upon the medical technologist during the period of revocation or suspension.

SECTION 20. Roster of Medical Technologist. - A roster of Medical Technologist shall, be prepared annually by the Secretary of the Board. This roster shall contain the name, address and citizenship of each registered medical technologist; the date of registration or issuance of the certificate of registration and any other pertinent data. The roster shall be open to public inspection, and copies thereof shall be placed on file in the Professional Regulation Commission, and furnished to other offices, private or governmental and to the public, upon request.

SECTION 21. Medical Technology (Medical Laboratory Science) Education. - The Medical Technology (Medical Laboratory Science) course shall'·be at least four years, as stipulated in the Commission on Higher Education's Policies, Standards and Guidelines. Said course shall be composed of general education, core and professional courses, and a satisfactory internship program in accredited training laboratories. It shall include the following professional subjects;

Clinical Chemistry;
Microbiology; "
Blood Banking/Immunohematology;
Clinical Microscopy;
Histopathology & Cytology;
Laboratory Management; and
Medical Technology Laws & Ethics

The Technical Panel in Medical Technology Education ("TPMTE") is hereby authorized to change, remove from or add to the subjects listed, subject to the approval of the Commission on Higher Education.
SECTION 22. Creation and Composition of 'Technical Panel in Medical Technology Education (TPMTE). - There is hereby established a Technical Panel in Medical Technology Education under the Commission on Higher Education - Office of Programs and Standards (CHED-OPS). The TPMTE shall be composed of the following members:

a.       The President of the Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and Hygiene (PASMETH), who shall be the Chairman;
b.      The President of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. (PAMET);
c.       A representative from the Board of Medical Technology/ Professional Regulation Commission;
d.      A representative from PAMET; and
e.       A representative from P ASMETH

The TPMTE shall be supported by a secretariat and staff.

SECTION 23. Functions of TPMTE. - The TPMTE shall assist the Commission on Higher Education in setting Policies, Standards and Guidelines for the Medical Technology Program. It may also assist in its implementation, including monitoring and evaluation.

The functions of the TPMTE are as follows:
a.       To recommend the minimum curriculum required for the course of medical technology;
b.      To determine and prescribe the number of students that will be allowed to take the medical technology course in each school, taking into account the student instructor ratio and the availability of facilities for instruction;
c.       To recommend the closure of medical technology schools which are found to be substandard;
d.      To require all medical technology schools to submit an annual report, including the total number of students and instructors, a list of facilities available for instruction, a list of available for instruction, a list of their recent graduates and new administrations, on or before the month of June
e.       To inspect, whenever necessary, the different medical technology schools in the country in order to determine whether a high standard of education is maintained in said instructions;
f.       To promulgate, prescribe and enforce such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper implementation of the foregoing functions.

SECTION 24. Accreditation of Schools of, Medical Technology and of Training Laboratories. - The Commission on Higher Education, through TPMTE, shall approve schools of Medical Technology and accredit laboratories for training of students in accordance with the provisions of this Act. The laboratories shall show. satisfactory evidence that they possess qualified personnel and are properly equipped to carry out laboratory procedures commonly required in the folloWing fields: Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology, Serology, Parasitology, Hematology, Blood Banking, Clinical Microscopy, and Histopathologic Techniques, and that the scope of activities of said laboratories offer sufficient training in said laboratory procedures.

SECTION 25. Studies for Medical Technology Manpower Needs, Production, Utilization and Development. - The Board, in coordination with the accredited professional organization and appropriate government and private agencies shall initiate, undertake and conduct studies on health, human resources production, ',utilization and development.

SECTION 26. Accredited Professional Organization. - All registered medical technologists whose names appear in the roster of the Professional Regulation Commission shall automatically become members of a national, accredited professional organization of registered and licensed medical technologists. For this purpose, the Board shall only recognize and accredit one national organization for registered and licensed medical technologists, subject to the approval by the Professional Regulation Commission. Members of the said accredited professional organization shall receive benefits and privileges appurtenant thereto upon payment of the required fees and dues. Membership in the accredited professional organization shall not be a bar to membership in any other association of allied' health professionals.

SECTION 27. Continuing Medical Technology Education (CMTE). - There shall be a program of Continuing Medical Technology Education (CMTE) conducted by the accredited professional organization and other CMTE providers to enhance and maintain the proficiency of, its members on current medical technology procedures and techniques. All Registered medical technologists shall abide by the requirements, rules and regulations on CMTE which shall be promulgated by the Board, subject to the approval of the Professional Regulation Commission. For this purpose, a CMTE Council is hereby created to implement the CMTE Program.

SECTION 28. Medical Technology Training and Education Program. - Upon the effectivity of this Act, the Board in coordination with 'the accredited professional organization shall develop training and education programs in order to upgrade the level of skill and competence of medical technologists. A medical technologist shall be required to undergo medical technology training and education program every three (3) years beginning from the issuance of his certificate of registration.

SECTION 29. Salary. - In order to enhance the general welfare, commitment, service and professionalism of medical technologists, the minimum base pay of a registered medical technologist should not be lower than an amount equivalent to Salary Grade 15 under Republic Act No. 6758 or the "Compensation and Classification Act of 1989".

SECTION 30. Foreign Reciprocity - No foreigner shall be admitted to an examination, be given a certificate of registration or be entitled to an¥ of the rights or privileges under this Act unless the country or state of which he is a subject or a citizen permits Filipino medical technologists to practice within its territorial limits on the same basis as the subjects or citizens of said country or state.

SECTION 31. Inhibition Against the Practice \If Medical Technology. - No person shall practice or offer to practice medical technology as defined in this Act without having previously obtained a valid certificate of registration from the· Board. Provided, that a certificate of registration shall not be required from the following:

  1. Duly registered physicians;
  2. Medical technologists from other countries called for consultation or as visiting or exchange professors to colleges or universities: Provided, That their practice of medical technology within the couutry is limited to their performance of the said function; and
  3. Medical technologists in the service of the Armed Forces of the United States of America who are stationed in the Philippines and are rendering services as such for members of the said armed forces only.

SECTION 32. Penal Provisions. - Without prejudice to the provisions of the Medical Act of 1959, as amended, relating to the illegal practice of medicine, the following shall be punished by a fine of not less than two thousand pesos (P2,000.00) nor more than five thousand pesos (P5,000.00), or imprisonment for not less than six (6) months nor more than two (2) years, or both, in the discretion of the court:

  1. Any person who shall practice Medical Techpology in the Philippines without being registered or exempted from registration in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
  2. Any medical technologist who shall knowingly make a fraudulent laboratory report;
  3. Any person presenting or attempting. to use as his own, the certificate of registration of another;
  4. Any person who shall give any false or fraudulent evidence of any kind to the Board or any member thereof in obtaining a certificate of registration as a medical technologist;
  5. Any person who shall impersonate any registrant;
  6. Any person who shall attempt to use a revoked or suspended certificate of registration;
  7. Any person who shall, in connection with Ijis name or otherwise, assume, use or advertise any title or description tending to convey the impression that he is a medical technologist without holding a valid certificate of registration;
  8. Any person or corporate body who shall allow a non-registered medical technologist/medical laboratory technician under his employment to engage in the practice of medical technology or recommend the appointment of anyone to the position of a medical technologist/medical laboratory technician while knowing that he is not registered as such;
  9. Any person or corporate body who shall violate any provision of this Act or any rules or regulations issued pursuant to this Act.

SECTION 33. Enforcement of this Act. - It shall be the primary duty of the Professional Regulation Commission and the Board to effectively implement this Act. Any law enforcement agency and officers, employees and agents of national, provincial, city or municipal governments shall, upon the call or request of the Professional Regl,llation Commission or the Board, render assistance in enforcing the provisions of this Act and, to prosecute any persons violating the same.

SECTION 34. Appropriations. - The Chairperson of the Professional Regulation Commission shall include in the Commission's program the funding requirements for the implementation of this Act. Thereafter, the amount necessary for the continued implementation of this Act shall be included in the General Appropriations Act.

SECTION 35. Rules and Regulations. Within ninety (90) days after the effectivity of this Act, the Board and the Professional Regulation Commission, in coordination with the accredited professional organization, the Department of Health, the Department of Budget and Management and other concerned agencies, shall formulate such rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. The implementing rules and regulations shall be published in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of general circulation.

SECTION 36. Separability Clause - Should any provision herein be declared unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Act.

SECTION 37. Repealing Clause - Republic Act Nos. 5572 and 6132, Presidential Decree Nos. 498 and 1534. and all other laws, presidential decrees, executive orders, rules and regulations inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly .

SECTION 38. Effectivity - This Act takes effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.