The Medical Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science Internship Training Program will be a global academic enterprise, recognized not only in the Philippines, but throughout the world as demonstrated by the students, patients, employers, professionals and the public. It will be the standard by which schools measure their performance in terms of Medical Technology/Clinical Laboratory Science internship training of students. Its hallmarks will be competence, teamwork, and initiative of the students and their ability to respond to patient care in a health care delivery system.
The mission of the Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science Internship Training Program is to provide quality training of Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science students; and help them become humane and competent Medical Technologists/Laboratory Scientists who are globally competitive and committed to serve the health needs of the community.
The Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science Internship Training Program is in the fourth year level of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science course. It is an intensive practical and theoretical training in the different sections in the clinical laboratory namely, Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Immunohematology (Blood Banking), Immunology, Serology, Microbiology, Urinalysis and Other Body Fluids (Clinical Microscopy), Parasitology, Histopathology/Cytology and other emergent technologies. It also emphasizes the development of proper value system.
The program aims to:
1. Enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for a member of the health care delivery team who with precision and accuracy performs the clinical laboratory procedures needed to help the physician in the proper diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases.
2. Develop among students a well-rounded personality with a healthy outlook and oriented towards intelligent, ethical and active participation in professional as well as community welfare activities.
3. Develop critical thinking skills that will enable them to participate in research endeavors/activities and respond to challenges of the profession.
4. Develop humane and competent Medical Technologists/Laboratory Scientists who are globally competitive, and committed to serve the health needs in both local and international communities.
1. Only those who completed all the course requirements for the first three and one half years shall be qualified for internship.
2. Applicants shall undergo physical and laboratory examinations which will include complete blood count (CBC), urinalysis, fecalysis, drug tests (metamphetamines and canabinoids), HbsAg, anti-HBs and chest X-ray and/or Sputum Microscopy. They are also required to present proof of vaccination against hepatitis B. Any applicant found positive for infectious diseases (like hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.) shall be temporarily suspended to undergo training unless proof of adequate/complete treatment is submitted.
3. Other requirements of colleges and universities prior to internship shall be observed.
- The school, in coordination with the accredited training laboratory shall provide a training program in line with the approved CHED updated rules on Medical Technology Internship Program (MTIP).
- The school and the training center shall enter into a contract of affiliation.
- The school shall assign interns only to accredited training centers.
- The school shall pay the required affiliation fee to the training center.
- As part of the CHED Memorandum on Medical Technology internship, colleges and universities shall conduct seminars relevant to Medical Technology education.
- The interns shall be required to have a total of forty (40) hours per week of duty to complete a total of 1,080 hours in twenty-seven weeks. The interns must render the following number of hours in each discipline:
6.1. Clinical Chemistry - 230 hrs.
6.2. Clinical Microscopy & Parasitology - 230 hrs.
6.3. Microbiology - 150 hrs.
6.4. Hematology - 120 hrs.
6.5. Blood Banking - 150 hrs.
6.6. Histopathologic Technique & Cytology - 100 hrs.
6.7. Immunology & Serology - 100 hrs.
- The contact hours for Phlebotomy (Specimen Collection, Handling and Transport) shall be integrated in all sections mentioned above.
7. The affiliation fee should be distributed as follows:
8.1 hospital - 50%
8.2 laboratory staff involved in the training program - 50%
- There shall be one (1) clinical instructor/interns’ coordinator/clinical coordinator for every 25 students/interns;
- The Clinical Instructor/Intern Coordinator/Clinical Coordinator shall have the following duties/ responsibilities:
a. acts as a liaison officer between the Higher Education Institution (HEI) and the accredited affiliating hospital-based or free-standing clinical laboratory;
b. coordinates with the training officer and/or the chief medical technologist in the proper implementation of the internship training programs of both the HEI and the accredited training clinical laboratory in terms of:
c. progressive evaluation of interns’ attendance, behavior and performance on an official visit at least once a month;
d. preparation and submission of monthly report on matters related to the proper implementation of the internship training program
e. participation in the review, revision and updating of the internship training program.
- performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the Dean/Head of the HEI.
Section 1. Proper Decorum
The intern shall:
1.1 Behave as professional at all times
1.2 Treat the patients with compassion.
1.3 Avoid undue familiarity and intimacy
1.4 Treat results with utmost confidentiality.
1.5 Work harmoniously with fellow interns and other personnel of the institution
1.6 Follow the provision in the code of ethics of a medical technologist
Section 2. Attendance and Punctuality
The intern shall:
2.1 Adhere strictly to the policies of the institution and training center on absences and tardiness
Section 3. Laboratory Breakages
The interns shall be solely responsible for the payment, replacement or repair of laboratory
equipment and supplies incurred by them.
Section 4. Uniform
The intern shall wear the complete uniform prescribed by the school.
Section 1. Absences/tardiness incurred during internship shall be given the following sanctions:
1.1. for every excused absence, eight (8) hours make-up
1.2. for every unexcused absence, twenty-four (24) hours make-up
1.3. for every accumulated tardiness of sixty minutes, 8 hours make-up
1.4. for accumulated absences exceeding twenty percent (20%) of the total number of internship hours per hospital rotation, repeat internship.
1.5. for unauthorized out-of-post, eight (8) hours make-up
Section 2. Sanctions shall be determined by the training center and the institution on the following:
1.1 cheating in any form (forgery, falsification of documents, etc.)
2.2 alcohol intoxication
2.3. inflicting injuries
2.4 carrying deadly weapon
2.5 use of prohibited drugs
2.6 sexual harassment
2.7 vandalism
2.8 willful destruction of hospital property
2.9 gambling
3.10 stealing
3.11 immorality
Section 1. Responsibilities of the Institution
The institution shall:
1.1. meet the following requirements before applying for affiliation to any clinical laboratory:
1.1.1. approval from the CHED in conjunction with the Board of Medical Technology, PRC
1.1.2. compliance with the provisions of R.A 5527, Medical Technology Law
1.2 provide a clinical instructor experienced in actual laboratory work to monitor individual attendance, behavior and performance of the students, in coordination with the training laboratory and to assist the affiliating laboratory in implementing the Medical Technology training program.
1.3 ensure that the interns pay or replace damages, breakages and losses incurred by the interns on laboratory property, equipment and supplies.
1.4 ensure that the clinical instructors and students observe and abide with the policies, rules and regulations of the hospitals and that discipline is maintained at all times.
Section 2. Responsibilities of the Medical Technology Training Laboratories
2.1 The training center shall be a duly accredited and licensed clinical laboratory as specified by the law on clinical laboratories, R.A. 4688
2.2 There shall be an adequate number of registered medical technologists for each of the sections of clinical laboratory
2.3 The clinical laboratory shall have adequate space to accommodate both staff and interns
2.4 The clinical laboratory shall have sufficient equipment and supplies based on the volume and types of examinations and number of interns to be trained.
2.5 The Medical Technology/Medical Training Laboratory shall provide adequate supervision in the daily activities of the interns.
2.5.1 The person responsible for the training program shall be a registered medical technologist
2.5.2 The program shall provide for an objective measure of evaluation of the baseline skills and knowledge
2.5.3 The program shall include the following: Objectives of the training Principles, methods and procedures to be taught Right work attitude and ethical values Required quota of tests to be performed to develop
accuracy and precision Objective evaluation of performance in each
2.6 The Medical Technology Training Laboratory shall be responsible for the orientation of interns on policies and procedures of the laboratory.
2.7 The Medical Technology Training Laboratory shall inform the school, through the clinical coordinator, of violations and misconduct committed by the interns.
Section 3. Joint Responsibilities of the Institution and the Training Center
The institution and the training center shall:
3.1 properly and effectively implement the training program
3.2 hold monthly conference to evaluate the implementation of the program and institute changes
3.3 maintain cooperation and harmonious relationships among the interns and staff of the training center at all times.
1. To evaluate the performance of the interns the following shall be applied:
1.1 Examinations
1.1.1 Theoretical
1.1.2 Practical
1.2 Clinical Performance
1.2.1 Competency Skills
1.2.2 Attitude and Behavior
1.2.3 Attendance and Punctuality
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